Thursday, October 29, 2009

Around the Yard

Over the summer (if that's what you want to call it this year) I took a few photos here and there around the yard. This post is a collection of those random photos.

The lilacs were beautiful in June.

I bought this flowering plant in mid-June for the yard. I thought I had better take some photos of it right away before I had the usual black thumb effect on it.

Looking out the window one day while doing dishes, I saw water droplets on the bushes that looked pretty neat, so out I went with the camera. Plus, I had to have an excuse not to do dishes.

While panning between water droplets, this fly came into view. It was kind of creepy that it didn't move, yet pretty cool that I could get a close up.

It sat there long enough to get a second creepy, yet cool photo.

I thought this was also a good chance to try a redo of the water droplets on the pine needles we tried this spring. A tripod sure makes a difference.

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