Monday, January 19, 2009

Glenn Highway

The last day of our trip found us traveling the Glenn Hwy back to Anchorage. It was a cloudy day which obscured much of the spectacular views according to Quentin. However, Alaska is not one to disappoint, and towards the end of our journey we did get a few peeks at the Matanuska-Susitna Mountains and the Matanuska Glacier.

The Matanuska Glacier beyond the pines.

Another view of the Matanuska Glacier from the Glenn Highway turnout.

Mountain Goats mill about on the ridge above us. These were just a few of the mountain goats we'd seen on our trip. We were lucky enough for Quent and Christina to let us borrow their 100-400mm telephoto lens to capture this image.

A view from the Anchorage Airport. After topping of the tank of Nate's Truck near Wasilla, we drove down to Earthquake Park on Anchorage's waterfront to kill what remaining time we had left in Alaska. As the day came to a close so did our wonderful adventure. At the airport we said goodbye to our great friends and to the beautiful state of Alaska.

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