Monday, September 24, 2007


June..... The start of Summer and the end to spring. We started off the month by heading on down to the Twin Cities for a Tim McGraw and Faith Hill concert. It was a great show and we had a lot of fun. Check out some of our pictures

Faith Hill in the spotlight. I wish I could remember what she was singing but frankly I think I was searching for the Red Wing banner which was hanging somewhere from the Excl Energy Center Arena roof. I wonder when hockey tickets go on sale.....

Tim and Faith wave after their standing-O. They sang a neat rendition of Bryan Adams 'It's only love'.

The Palisades. These cliffs are located just north of Silver Bay, MN, approximately 60 miles north of Duluth. This would be a great sunrise shot, all I need to do is convince Sara. Usually you can see some repeler's scaling the cliff. Don't be fooled by the photograph, it is well over 300 feet to Lake Superior below.

Here is a picture of the Baptism River in Tettegouche State Park from atop the waterfall which is to the right. A picture of the falls can be seen below.

Some moss and other forms of fungi on an old Red Pine branch. I thought it offered an opportunity for a unique black and white picture.

Skipping stones. I amused myself by jumping from rock to rock within the river. I didn't fall in once. Honest.

The 60-ft 'High Falls' of the Baptism River. The water flow was moderate for this time of the year. For larger flows we need to come back in the spring.

A butterfly Sara was able to capture with wings spread in this picture.

Another photo of a different portion of the Palisades ramparts. This picture isn't completely in focus but out beyond the point is a bank of fog which would periodically fill the bay and then recede.

A flower along a hiking trail we took near Gooseberry State Park.

A wild Iris we also found on the same trail.

A picture of an cedar tree with exposed roots that stood along the bank of the Gooseberry river. The water was low here at the end of June. In the trips past we've seen water nearly up to the base of this tree.

A photo of the Gooseberry river from the Upper Falls. The water horizon cuts sharply across the frame as the water plunges over the edge.

Our friends Brett and Lyn came for a visit near the end of June. The girls watch on in amusement as Brett and I invent a game of tossing rocks into the water and attempting to strike the first rock with a second before it hits the water. We were successful on about four occasions. The girls eventually became bored and moved on. We stayed at it for a good thirty minutes. The bay providing the nice views is at the Split Rock Lighthouse State Park.

Lyn patiently poses for her husband as he tries to catch the light of the setting sun. Apparently Lyn's skills as a pro photographer are rubbing off on Brett as the photo turned out quite well.

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