Sunday, September 23, 2007


Whoa! It's been awhile since we last updated our blog! Here is a month by month update, starting with March, so everyone can see what we've been up to.

Mid March brought us our "first" big snowfall of the winter. It was a long time in coming but well received by all when it finally arrived. We received over 36-in of snow within a weeks time. Unfortunately, (or fortunately for me!) I was out of town leaving Sara to do most of the shoveling. She was thoughtful enough to leave half of the driveway for me for when I return. I guess she didn't want me missing out on any of the fun!

Here is our driveway after I return to finish clearing it out. Hard to imagine we hardly had any snow before this snowstorm.

I thought this pic was neat. Sara took it near the breakwall in Two Harbors, MN which is about 20 miles north of Duluth. The waves pushed up these chunks of ice onto the breakwall. They are all about the size of baketballs and mostly crystal clear. I'd hate to have be around when good ol' Lake Superior was throwing these guys around!

Sara lounging around while I tackle the task of being the camera man. This picture was taken in Jay Cook State Park, which is not far from our home. This was a beautiful weekend afternoon to be out. Sara and I thought we'd take advantage of it before I returned the following day to Michigan for work.

Another cool picture Sara took while I was away. This picture was taken off of Wisconsin Point which is at the head of Lake Superior. The winter sun and the overcast skys really sets this picture apart.

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