Saturday, September 29, 2007

Phoenix to Grand Canyon

Day two began in Phoenix where we met up with our friends Quent and Christina. After gathering some supplies we headed north to Flagstaff and then to the Grand Canyon.

A view of the mountains around Flagstaff. Again we marveled at the drastic change in terrain from the desert around Phoenix.

Our first view of the Grand Canyon. We were all immediately impressed with its size and depth. I'm not sure any of us had anticipated just how large it would be. As you approach the South Rim you drive through a forest of pine which obscures the view of the Canyon. It isn't until you have arrived at the south rim that you can finally see the canyon.

A black and white taken from the south rim. Notice the smoke rising from the horizon beyond. This was from a fire that was burning along the north rim.

Our friends Quent and Christina pose for a photo. Look at those smiles!

Another view of the canyon looking towards the east. It's about this time that we start thinking about our hike down the canyon the next day. How far down was that again? 5000 feet?

The sunset setting in the west.

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